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Teaching Philosophy 

Recent teaching positions: 

Body Tune-Up Gym - Creative Movement program (ages 2-4), Alamosa, CO

Dance Exploration, LLC - 'Dance to Learn!'® Educator, Denver, CO 

Jazz/Modern Technique - Summer Intensives in the following locations: Dance Arts Studio (Broomfield), Danse Etolie Ballet (Broomfield), A Time to Dance (Monument), Belliston Academy of Ballet & Dance (Littleton), Bella Danze Artz (Westminster) 


Dance is more than just learning movement and putting it to music. It is a method of expression and discovery. My teaching encompasses the idea that all people learn and develop differently and dance has the ability to facilitate this learning of expression and discovery. I want to create a safe environment for my students where I can share my passion for dance with them and also give them a solid technical foundation. Dance is an outlet to satisfy their physical, emotional, intellectual and social needs while becoming both an accomplished athlete and artist. 


One of the most inspiring attributes I saw in all my dance teachers was their passion. They love what they do and are the reason I have chosen this life, instead of another. I strive to share the same love and care, I received, with my students. Sharing this passion creates committed dancers and an environment, in and out of the classroom, where students and teachers can create together.


Dance is a powerful tool for fostering outgoing children. Therefore, my dance classroom reflects both my desire to push my students and care for them in many aspects of their life beyond dance. The discipline of technique is a great example of how I want my dancers to lead their lives and to expand what they are already learning. They will work hard on building their foundation, which will ultimately lead them to success in dance and beyond.


I believe that incorporating artistic challenges early in a dancer’s career is important. Giving them the opportunity to make emotional connections to a piece of choreography, beyond just a kinesthetic level, is beneficial to their progression as a dancer. While pairing this with a technical foundation, they will be able to portray characters, feelings and concepts more fully. As they grow they will think more deeply, ask more questions, find intention, spontaneity, creativity and explore their curiosity.  I strive to continually instill these qualities into my students.

Lastly, I am also a registered yoga teacher (RYT) and believe yoga assists in their physical wellbeing as dancers, more than almost any other regimen; additionally, it is also an extremely beneficial tool for their emotional wellbeing throughout their life.  By incorporating a consistent yoga practice into my teaching, I hope to create strong dancers, who fully understand how to take care of their bodies.



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